NYS Science ListservsListservs provide a valuable service. They provide a medium for members to post questions, responses, and engage in discussions on matters related to the listserv(s) to which you are subscribed. SUNY Oneonta hosts these listservs and does an excellent job in providing this service. STANYS recommends the listservs listed below for New York State Science Teachers. To SUBSCRIBE to one of these lists:
Listserv List
Listserv Archives - To access the archives for any of the listservs, visit the archives page. For example, to access the ESPRIT archives, go to http://listserv.oneonta.edu/scripts/wa.exe?A0=ESPRIT. | For more information visit: Listservs for Science Teachers | SUNY Oneonta New subscribers should keep in mind that joining a listserv means that you will be receiving ALL of these messages for that listserv as they are posted. Please be prepared for an increase in the volume of email that you receive when joining a listserv. Consider configuring your email software to filter listserv emails to a designated folder. TO SIGN OFF THE LIST: To UNSUBSCRIBE to one of these lists create a new email message addressed to listserv@listserv.oneonta.edu from the email account you are subscribed under with the following in the body of the email: SIGNOFF (insert listname) Example: SIGNOFF ESPRIT You will get a confirmation email. *Check your junk mail! |